Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Tourist film : a little synopsis

Alexander Pearce (Johnny Depp) stole billions Dollar from Gangster and run away.
Since he has biilions in his account, Pearce chased by American Police for tax evasion.
Both gangster and the Police tail Pearce wife which is Elice (Angelina Jolie) in order to track Pearce.

In train, Elise found Frank and they live together about a day in Venice, but in the ending, Frank and Alexander Pearce is exactly the same guy.

great drama's, little confusing but not too..,

Mark : 78/100.

2011 dah.

sedo xsedo.....da tahon 2011...
mcm bese la...stiap taon msti ada azam baru...apa azam yg paleng bagos ni...

ntah....lantak la..hahahaha...
taon ni azam baru saya nk bgon awal hari2, (tlah pon praktis sejak november lepas)
so skrg..tugas kita bgon awal...
nk bwt apa tu tolak ketepi....yg penting bgon 2 3 minit...
pastu nk sambong tdo balek xpe...asalkan da bgon kjap td kan..

nampaknya....taon ni meriah...byk filem best2....xcaye?
tgok la tajok2 movie yg bakal kuOr....
dwet bakal abes kat punggong wayang je taon ni...

sesunggohnye aku nk isytihar....bahawe, prot aku da boncet sket...
mane xnye....kalo makan nasi mcm gunong...(bak kate rakan2 prektikel)
mule2 prot naek...lpas tu..baru la body..
lpas ni body aku mcm bina badan jgn tanye kenape...malas nk jwb lah...

ah tukar topik la..srabot btol prektikel + tesis ni...
ntah pape je yg kos akaun xde plak xadil!!
dorang bole prektikel dgn mudahnye....
datang keje....balek tido..
kitorang plak...datang keje...balek bwt tesis lagi...
pastu cerewet plak pihak universiti dgn company tmpat prektikel...
nk ikot ckp yg mana satu ni???

korang lecturer yg bangang2 cuba bwt research sket...ape faedahnye tesis tu kat tmpat keje nt??
buang mase dan dwet je....laen la kalo aku nk amek PhD.... mmg la kene bwt research...
ni stakat degree pasal bisnes...nk tesis..
abah korang lah!!

eh..xelok kutok2 ni...azam baru taon ni xnk kutok2....kakakakakaaka...~
tp...didalam keletihan ber prektikel...nk bwt tesis skali mmg payah la...org2 sblom ni pon kompom merungut punye.....xde sape yg ske bwt bnde plek tu...huh...

akhir skali...tahniah ntok aku sbb aritu dapat kalahkan abg aku berkali3 kat PES2011....kehkehkeh. ;p

orait....smoge taon baru ini mmbahagiakan dan menenangkan...~

to cik ayg: hehe....soriii slalu pk bukan2...ngeh2...smoge kite kawen cpat taon baru, so jgn la marah sangat2 x, kalo da marah...peh...x agak2...
naseb baek i penyabor....muahahahahaa...
syg u~

Inception film : ending solved!

many of you questioned whether Cobb is still dreaming or awake in this film's ending.

the answer is, he is awake and in reality!

-Cobb has an experience living in a limbo with his wife before, and they were confuse which is real and which is reality. But at the end, Cobb realize it, and they both do suicide at the train's track. Since then, they both directly awaken in reality.
conclusion's : no matter how much the layer they're dreaming in limbo, once the died, they will directly awake in reality!

in the ending, Saito died earlier before Cobb go find him.
As Saito died earlier, Saito were living in the limbo earlier than Cobb. Thats why Cobb were younger than Saito when they meet at meeting room which showed twice in the film
(beginning and near ending of the film)

remember, more deeper the dream layer, the time in the dream will be more compounded.
So, eventhough in the 3rd layer dream, Saito died just few minutes before Cobb go find him, but for Saito, the few minutes in 3rd layer dream will give him enough time to grew old in limbo.

Then, after many years living in limbo (which actually just few minutes in the 3rd layer dream), Cobb found him, and then, Saito remember his word with Cobb which is 'Comeback, so we can be young man together again'
and now Saito realize that he is still dreaming.. and look at the gun.(this shows that they both killing themselve in the limbo)
Dead in Limbo brings directly to reality.Thats why they awake in the plane later.

-The other proof is Cobb totem's

in dreams, this totem will spinning perfectly and will never be stop.
in the endings, Cobb spin his totem and left it behind to go for his children, then, the cameras shows that his totems wobble and will stop spinning.This shows that Cobb is in reality, because in dreams, the totem will never wobbled or shows sign that its gonna stop spinning.

-My last point is Cobb's childrens. In Cobb's memories, his childrens never turnback and see his face, but at the endings, his childrens, both turnback and go towards their father (Cobb) which never happens in his memories, this shows that Cobb is in reality.

tQ~ :D